What Mobile Device Management Can Do for Your Company

A young woman holding up her mobile phone

For many businesses, mobile devices have become essential tools for staying connected, productive, and competitive. But if you’re going to be providing a significant number of employees with these devices, you’re going to have to effectively manage and secure them or else face serious consequences.

If that’s not something your company is properly equipped to handle, don’t fret. There are firms, like us here at Interlink Technology and Communication, that will handle mobile device management (MDM) for you. Here’s what you need to know:

Comprehensive Security for All Devices

Security is perhaps the most important aspect of managing mobile devices. When you partner with Interlink for MDM, you get multi-layered security that wraps around all mobile device platforms, providing a single window of control. So, you can monitor and manage your entire fleet of devices from a central location, making it easy to ensure that easy device is compliant and secure.

We use various security layers, including encryption enforcement, email security, and corporate repository enforcement. These layers work together to create a zero-trust environment, protecting your data from potential threats.

Simplifying Device Lifecycle Management

Managing the lifecycle of your devices can be simplified when partnering with Interlink. We’ll handle everything from enrolling and provisioning new devices, to tracking and updating existing ones, ensuring everything is up-to-date and ready to perform at its best.

Our audit tracking, meanwhile, will keep you informed about the status and health of each device. We’ll monitor and report on device usage, reviewing SIM data throughout the month to right size your plan as needed. This proactive approach helps save money and ensures resources are used efficiently.

Policy Development and MDM Deployment

Developing and enforcing a strong enterprise mobility policy is crucial for any company that wants to thrive in the 21st century. While your policy is ultimately up to you, we can provide default policies and best practices to help you build a foundation for your own policy. We’ll work with you to create a structural architecture that aligns with your company’s existing infrastructure. Once that’s all in place, we’ll deploy the MDM system to all existing devices. This will ensure consistent enforcement across the board.

Maintaining Compliance and Monitoring

No matter what mobile policy you settle on, we’ll help you enforce it. Interlink can help you maintain compliance by monitoring resources such as the corporate email, relevant applications, VPN, Wi-Fi, and other credentials. We’ll respond to any issues or irregularities that arise.

Additionally, we offer mobile application management, which includes restricting access to unapproved applications or app stores and removing the ability to create unauthorized accounts, such as Apple ID or Gmail.

Let’s Secure Your Mobile Devices Together

At Interlink Technology and Communication, we understand the importance of secure and efficient mobile device management. We’re here to help you protect your data, streamline your device management processes, and save money along the way. Contact us today to take control of your mobile devices and ensure they’re working for you, not against you!